11 Replies

Super Mum

You’re still really early in your pregnancy, so you can’t see a lot of things yet. And if you don’t have symptoms like nausea or breast tenderness, enjoy these moments:) Your next scan, there’ll be so much more going on! Heart beating and so on... For now, take good care of yourself and protect your little one. Congrats!

Might be still early. Usually scan will be clearer only after 7weeks. If you have no morning sickness, it's a good thing. Don't think too much. For now, just eat well & rest well :)

VIP Member

It’s not necessary to have morning sickness during first trimester. I didn’t have it at all for my second pregnancy.

Hey, Every pregnancy is different. Please wait for some more time and then get it checked again. It is fine :)

Super Mum

I don’t feel preg till I reach wk7 when I started gagging. Every pregnancy is different and congrats!

I found out I was pregnant at 20 weeks. That late. Hehe. Different pregnancy, different experience.

VIP Member

Still in an earlier stage, should be able to see more during your next appointment :)


Nothing is wrong la. I didn't feel pregnant until I started vomiting.

Super Mum

Every pregnancy is different. OK to not feel pregnant. It's a blessing

VIP Member

It's fine...You can consult your gynae if you're worried

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