Positive faint line
First picture taken at clinic, doctor said negative. Went home and took another one shows a faint line. Can I be confirmed I'm pregnant ? If yes When should I book an appointment?

Hello everyone need help. I got this result December 29 and i don’t know if its BFP or BFN. But January 5 I was bleeding for two days its not heavy as my menstrual period but i don’t think it’s implantation either. I’m so confused. I took another pt days after was negative 😞 sad

I had faint line and straight away when to poly clinic to confirm the pregnancy. Do make sure u take things slowly and monitor ur condition. Sometimes ur hcg level is still very low hence didnt show up at positive. But i think u are pregnant. 🙂
I would still wait a few more days and take another urine test. That’s what I did when my first urine test was quite faint and I was not sure.
Request doctor do blood test, def more accurate to confirm if preg. Think usually 6 wks then poly clinic will refer to see gyn specialist.
hi! mine was also very faint.. so i did a blood test to confirm it ;)
other line still not so clear, best wait for few days and test again
wait few more day and monitor