Hi my parents in law have been of great help in helping me to take care of my kids as I am a working mum. But my mother in law likes to make noise about how I run the household and also scold my helper when she doesn't do things her way. I don't want my helper to get pissed off at her and am also afraid that she will not want to work for us. Any tips? Should I get my helper to listen to her and do things her way or do things my way?

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There are many times mil wants her way and maid gave her black face. So, in those circumstances, I normally will talk to maid after pil sleep. Have to tell the maid not to talk back to the elderly, just follow their instructions then at night, tell me what happened and ventilate to me. It keeps her sanity and in the check on what is happening at home too.

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well.. the best advice i can give is "get a new place together with your husband and your nanny". i do have same problems with MIL and it's really so frustrating because she's also pissing me and my nanny. Everyday we have to deal with her BS and it already feels like it's not a healthy relationship anymore.

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Try to put some boundaries with your mil that your helper reports to you and not her. This is not easy to achieve so maybe talk to your husband to help manage your mil expectation. Also, she needs to stop meddling into your household for peace between you and your hubby.

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Try to talk to your hubby and slowly your hubby should let the parents know. To avoid conflicts in the future

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Tell horror stories of crazy maids to your MIL so she will not dare to push the maid too far. Hahaha

Talk to your husband and try to come to an agreement on the best way to manage the situation.
