Fried Food
Do u give in to fried food like 1-2 times a week? I been craving for fries etc. I knw is nt healthy but is 1 to 2 times a week considered moderate?

Eat everything in moderation. I crave for seaweed fries recently from mcd. But I tell myself only once a week the most. I don't really eat fried stuffs tho. Except mcd. Hehe
Yes I had Mac once every 2 to 3 weeks just that I didn’t drink the coke or milo that came with it, as it contains caffeine and high sugar content.
Go and enjoy your fries. Once or twice should be ok but as much as possible, satisfy the craving then don’t indulge. It might become a habit
Yes, I do eat fried food too. But in moderation portion. Make sure drink plenty of water too after eat to lower body heat.
Have everything in moderation. Eat healthy. Healthy mummy = healthy baby 😊😉
Read moreYes I do give in most of the time. Just try to moderate should be okay
It’s fine as my wife also has cravings for fries!
Yes. Craving should b fulfilled during pregnancy
It's Ok as long as you eat them in moderation (:
Yes... Me eat almost everyday once when craving