feeling upset. it seemed that i no longer enjoyed & feel happy when i met up my bffs.. i'm not sure if im the one that is being too sensitive & petty.. or was it because we had grown up & have different views & thinking, no longer hit off as well as when we are younger. one of my bff gave birth on the same year as me, whereas the other is single. i got a bit offended previously when they told me I'm being protective over my LO which i don agree. now, they were asking if my LO is very clingy with me because I'm still breastfeeding. i do not have any good answers to reply them.. what does it mean by clingy.. arent babies supposed to be with clingy with their parents? feeling upset that it seemed impossible to have a proper conversation without me feeling hurt or turn off. Is it me & my hormones / character that makes me feel more emotional?

As people have more responsibility, their priorities and views changes. For you, your friends may have changed and for them, you may have changed. The only constant thing in life is change and the only way we can avoid conflict is to respect each other's decision and to accommodate other's opinions. It might be your hormones, or your just feeling tired, whatever it is, try to look on the bright side and bring up your kids the way you want them and how you feel comfortable. And you will meet more mommies along the way who will feel the same way as with you. I'm not saying that you have to ditch your old friends, if they ask you why you're still breastfeeding, answer them with conviction. I'm sure you have a pretty good reason why you breastfeed. As for me, because I'm saving up to buy a Prada bag. haha... Breastmilk does not cost a thing! Cheer up mama!! :-)
Read morei think it's kind of common especially everyone grows up with different mindset with changing environment and the friends that we mix around. We no longer meet as often as prior since everyone has their own family and work committment so at times one might feel friendship might drifted a little. I guess we just to have keep an open mind and don't take their words too seriously afterall you know best of what you are doing and that you are giving the best to your LO. So please go with your own heart. We don't have to rely on their views/opinions. Just take it as a pinch of salt and you will feel much better.
Read moreIt sounds like hormonal changes that makes you upset easily. For a period of time, I also felt constantly upset over the smallest things. You will get better, trust me. But even if it's not hormonal changes, i think it's the reality that friendships change, due to the changes in each individual's life. Every mother has her own set of thinking, plainly because each child is different. Also, there is no template for parenting, so do trust yourself and have faith in your own judgement. You are the only one who knows what's best for your own child, don't let other people's words affect you.
Read morepeople change over time and over circumstances, they have their views and so do you. its perfectly fine to have different views, listen with a open mind, agree to disagree. however, if you find it less enjoyable meeting up, you can always turn them down. my very own bff from school deleted and block me out for 10 years and only look for me to dig news about my pregnancy and life, after realising i have diff views in parenting, she stopped calling me. lol
Read moreDont worry/bother about other comments. Just enjoy while you can as our LO grows too fast; they wont want to cling to you when they are much older. Think positively, your friend might probably be jealous that nobody cling to them. Everyone has their own set of philosophy. Just do whichever you felt comfortable and happy with.
Read moreHuman change overtime. Yr bff may have different views which r common and normal. Sometimes the choice of words used are a little different from what you expect. Expectations do change as well iver time. Don't brood too much iver it and remember, be positive and open to changes.
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time fly young age and hang around no more. children and husband is my first choice. we are 4 always stay together when my school days. But we have our own family we have no more chit chat makes fun any more....
I am in the same position. All my girlfriends have babies, but their philosophy for raising kids is just so different from mine that we don't click anymore. What to do? Just hang out with hubby loh
same... n I don't hang out with bff anymore. I hang out with my kiddo. At least he wipes my tears.