feeling upset. it seemed that i no longer enjoyed & feel happy when i met up my bffs.. i'm not sure if im the one that is being too sensitive & petty.. or was it because we had grown up & have different views & thinking, no longer hit off as well as when we are younger. one of my bff gave birth on the same year as me, whereas the other is single. i got a bit offended previously when they told me I'm being protective over my LO which i don agree. now, they were asking if my LO is very clingy with me because I'm still breastfeeding. i do not have any good answers to reply them.. what does it mean by clingy.. arent babies supposed to be with clingy with their parents? feeling upset that it seemed impossible to have a proper conversation without me feeling hurt or turn off. Is it me & my hormones / character that makes me feel more emotional?

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It sounds like hormonal changes that makes you upset easily. For a period of time, I also felt constantly upset over the smallest things. You will get better, trust me. But even if it's not hormonal changes, i think it's the reality that friendships change, due to the changes in each individual's life. Every mother has her own set of thinking, plainly because each child is different. Also, there is no template for parenting, so do trust yourself and have faith in your own judgement. You are the only one who knows what's best for your own child, don't let other people's words affect you.

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