Carrier and Stroller For Newborn

Hi everyone, which is actually suitable and good for newborn ? Carrier or stroller , or both actually? As im still planning which one to grab and use for my newborn after i giving birth. Any suggestion mummies?

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Between the two, I'd say the carrier. From personal experience, my newborn constantly needed to be held, and the carrier was super helpful with helping her feel secure while still being able to do things around the house hands-free. Didn't really need the stroller in the first few months, so no rush with buying one until later.

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VIP Member

We got both.. Carrier is when we used most often when we go out.. Or when baby is cranky at home.. I trained my kids to get used with the stroller frm birth so they wont be too dependent on us to carry all the time

5y ago

Noted on that. Thanks alot for ur reply 😊 !

VIP Member

Both are necessary depending on where do u go. For now I got stroller first as I don't feel comfortable to carry new born on carrier. Feel they are too fragile 😂, and will get carrier later.

Super Mum

If u can afford, get both. The usage is different. Or if you can wait till baby is born, then you can bring baby along to “test drive” and see which is acceptable to all.


I use a konny carrier when my baby is nb until about 3 month old I got her a stroller. And about 7 month I got a tula carrier. As time goes by you will need both.

I bought both. Travel system stroller for the infant car seat and ergoworks carrier which can be used from birth.

VIP Member

Stroller you may go with Combi, Joie or doona. For carrier, you may go with Ergobaby, Tula or konny/pognae

VIP Member

Both! Stroller for long distances and carrier when u are alone going grocery shopping/short distances

Both. But i like stroller so baby isnt use to carrying. So good for you when they get heavier :)

I would get both, otherwise stroller first.