will the doctors/nurses tell/teach u or hubby what to do with the baby after discharge? will they also “teach” u how to breastfeed properly etc?

For my case, I don’t think the nurses taught me during my stay so it’s better that you and your hubby attend prenatal classes before your baby arrives so that you are better prepared. You will be too tired and overwhelmed during the first 3 days. A lactation consultant will come to “teach” you but it really depends on how much you can absorb during those short sessions. Try to read up on breastfeeding or attend some classes by Breastfeeding Mothers’ Support Group Singapore. It’s very affordable and informative.
Read moreBefore discharge, a nurse demo to me on how to clean my baby using the cotton wool and warm water. During the stay, the nurses will always come by to ensure that u nurse ur baby. They will teach u but i felt that it wasnt very helpful. I always call them when i am about to nurse so that they can show the right way. They were helpful, but personally i feel that its better if u have some prior knowledge on breastfeeding.
Read moreYes they will teach, but it is also important to ask any questions that come to mind during your stay. As the rest mentioned, the videos are important to watch. For my case, I wasn't told of the videos earlier... The nurses only told me on my day of discharge... Anyways I was too busy with LO to watch any videos! I think a discharge booklet will be given to you, with a number to ring should you have any questions 😊
Read moreI think it depends on which nurses are on duty, and how much you ask them:) you can also attend parentcraft classes for proper teaching. Honestly, though, life at home is quite different, and it’s a learning journey, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Youtube also has a lot of good videos. You can prepare before giving birth:)
Read moreThe nurses will teach a little plus the videos that they keep playing helps but the hands-on comes in when my confinement nanny came.
Yes i kept ringing the nurses every time baby feeds 😆they are very helpful and willing to guide..a lactation nurse will come by too
Mine taught but the lc very kanhiong. 😂Nurses at scn taught better. Hope u get a reliable one! 💙
the nurse will teach u hw to breastfeed before discharge as for others u need to ask then they tell u
In TMC, they show new mums how to shower the baby and how to breastfeed.
Yes, a lactation nurse will teach you how to breastfeed your baby
Mini Family❤️