KKH - newborn care after delivery
Mummies who gave birth at KKH (subsidised), can I check if the nurses will teach / show you basic steps on how to care for the baby e.g., bathing, changing diapers) before your discharge?

the nurses on the night i was admitted after giving birth immediately taught me how to massage and stimulate my breasts. then they helped me position baby to latch. the lc also taught me how to massage, latch and pump. as for changing diapers and bathing, you can request but they have certain timings that you need to follow if you wanna bathe your baby. there will be this senior nurse walking around to individually check on mommies who just gave birth, to help out if need. y'all can look out for her, her name is siti asmah and she's usually in type c ward. she's very helpful and has been more informative than any other nurses and consultants.
Read moreYou can always ask them to teach you if you need help and guidance. They’re pretty helpful. I also watched youtube videos prior so that I could be more familiar with the steps before baby came
The nurse won't teach u, but u can request. Tell them u have no idea and ask them to teach u. The lactation nurse will assist for breastfeeding and they are really nice. It helps a lot 😊
Gave birth in April. Yes but only that one nurse (Super nice and friendly) taught me.. they rest assume we know everething.. you can ask them to teach you too :)
I gave birth last month and the nurses didn’t teach me anything. But the lactation consultant did teach me quite a few stuff about breast feeding.