6 Replies

Old people often will give their opinions because they feel they are experienced which sometimes they are. I also will feel irritated at times when my parents or in laws make some comments to me but I have learnt to let them go and just continue to focus on my baby . Sometimes have to also listen to their advice and you as the mother will know best what to do. Being a mother means have to shut the ears to many things. Jiayou! If my baby's legs are still wet after IFC teacher wash I will inform them nicely about it. Hubby always tell me to chill too but if both are chilled I wonder if we ever get things done .. hahah Focus on the baby and don't let others affect your mood which will affect baby's mood too.

Ok! Thank u so much for ur advice! I will focus on baby! Will try my very best to learn to shut my ears off! 😉

VIP Member

Just ignore about the diaper changing bit. You know your LO best. I never put diaper cream for my girl coz she didn't have diaper rash. What for put for prevention even? It's all chemicals. Only put when needed. About changing diaper on the floor. I think just explain nicely that you don't want to dirty the bed. Let your LO lie on a changing mat and not directly on the floor. I think that's the best compromise already. Old folks say it's not good to lie on the floor coz it's cold and will affect one later in life (i.e. rheumatism). I do believe this to a certain extent. As for the IFC, perhaps you can let the IFC know your concerns?

Ok! I hv told them abt other concerns alrdy but e teachers r reluctant to follow my instructions as they think they r old birds and they know better. The more u tell them, the more they will think tat i'm a demanding mummy. So, forget abt it ba.😊

VIP Member

Correct way is to chill like ur hub say. Just knock my head off while continue doing the comfort wat i am. No more creating conflicts, soon baby will will grown up and off this stage. For infant care, just gentle route a road to ask why my baby leg is wet? Is it diaper leak? To remind them rmb to clean it next time, creating less conflict and they will treat the baby well. Rmb our baby is in their hand, making them dislike us, mean putting our baby at risk!

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Just do wat u think is right and best to ur lo. U r the mother, u wont do things that will caused harm to ur lo rite? So, just dun bother abt wat others said. To be polite, just aknowledge back to them thank you will do.

Ok! Thank u!

Yeah I am a totally chilled mum. And I can ignore the elders nagging.

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