During tiz CNY, I did learn a lesson. Always fix ur eyes on ur LO when someone is carrying him. I had heart attacks twice today.. 1. MIL wanna carry LO, so of cos we cant say no, so she carried to e coffeeshop as we need our breakfast. She sat down wif baby. As 7mth old baby is very active, he kept moving about. MIL is too focused on playing wif baby tat baby almost knock over her cup of coffee.. My heart skipped a beat at tat moment. Of cos i scared tat if coffee is overturned, it will scald him! 2. MIL wanna carry again. We reached a relative's hse. She wanna put him lying on e bed which is against e wall. She juz put him down like tat without looking at his head and he almost bump into e wall! Please be vigilant and always watch out for e safety of ur child no matter who carries ur LO!

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Both my sets of parents are quite protective of my child. They also know I am a fierce daughter / daughter in law. So they won't anyhow too. I basically just let them bring and pass baby to whoever. Anything if baby cry and can't handle then I will come over

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Hmmm walk is even worse ... anyhow run, don't want hold hands, want go here go there 😂 Its normal to have such incidents when other people are trying to help, we really have to keep an close eye!

Pils are the worst la.. sorry .. cause they always think they are very gd with the babies even though we know they totally cmi

7y ago

Lol! Yes that's the reason y I hope my boy can run soon.. so they can't catch him

VIP Member

I agree. always keep an eye on our kids even though others are 'helping' i agree on this so much

Yes! it's a must to always watch our kids no matter who is helping. It is OUR kids after all.

PILs r the worsttttt! Till today I don't trust them to bring out my 2 year old alone.

VIP Member

Great advice - thanks for sharing. I experienced my fair share of horror stories this cny too!