7 Replies

Super Mum

Been in yr shoes. i even could sleep long hours to a point my own family says im veryyy lazy and using the pregnancy card. Compared to themselves like how they r not as lazy as me. It can be mentally draining to hear not from one mouth, but many others. So i kept my distance and just do what i do and not let their words affect me. Deaf ears. Not easy but i feel i dont owe anyone any explanation even if they do not know no two pregnancies are the same. Just do yr best for yr pregnancy! Jy!

VIP Member

When I was in first trimester, I finished work at 4pm and sleep at 6pm until next morning 6pm. Horribly tired and sleepy. Sometimes I just skip my dinner (don't do this). My husband can't say anything

Dear mum, Yes it is tiring with the hormonal changes and the changes in your body. Do talk to your husband about it in detail that what are the changes you are going through and take lots of rest

VIP Member

Maybe talk to him nicely? And as for your colleagues, 15 weeks should be in the “safe zone”, maybe you should tell them about it so they would stop trying to make you work harder

VIP Member

It’s natural to feel tired. Do take good care, just communicate to him more and ask the gynae when he is there so he know this is normal.

You need to communicate with him and perhaps let the gynae explain that it’s all the hormones.. rest more and stress less!

Super Mum

With all the hormones change and life developing inside u, of course it’s tiring.

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