Require recommendations on obgyn at KKH

I’m first time mommy and currently on week 11. I will be having the second scan in a couple of weeks including the NIPT test. May I know if any mommy here can recommend a good obgyn at KKH can see me throughout the pregnancy journey, who is dedicated and experienced for first time pregnancy like me? Additionally, I should be opting for private at KKH. Is it true that the pricing is no different from private practice outside? If yes, please also feel free to recommend obgyn outside of KKH.

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I did private kkh with serene Thein. I didn’t think her advice throughout my whole check up was relatively GREAT. They also suggested to have me induce because they calculated baby’s weight to be 3.3kg and I was 37 weeeks and I had to be induce 3 times because my baby was just not ready to come out almost had to go for emer csect but my water broke at the 3rd induce and baby came out at 3.1kg healthy. Up to now I still think it was unnecessary for me to induce and my delivery bill was 5k++ cash at kkh private. However I do have to say when delivering, when she cut open and she sew it so well that I did not experience ANY pain post birth. But the the whole experience delivery at Kkh from the labour ward to A1 ward was horrible. I would suggest you go to private outside! Congrats and all the best!

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2w ago

Thanks for sharing your experience and advice!

Hihi, I'm on a subsidised rate with KKH STROKE centre. Gov subsidies cover doctor fees, lab investigation such as scans, blood tests and meds. so far it has been quite a smooth journey for me. For private rates, u will be charged differently depending on the consultant professional fees. based on my research, doctor professional fees without gov subsidy will range from 120 to 200 per visit including obgyn who delivers at mount E, mount A and east shore. currently what I can see from my bill is without gov subsidy NIPT will be 877 , FTS blood work is 204, FTS scan will be 204. gov subsidies are based on chas assessment - orange, blue or green. I'm on chas green and I get about 61.20 off for FTS scan (full fees at 204).

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2w ago

Understand. All the best to you and looking forward to your good news! ☺️

Hi!! Im a FTM with KKH as well. I'm currently 12w and on subsidized route but have been seeing Dr Michelle Loh the past 2 times. She's really friendly and answers all my questions patiently. She also dont mind sharing more and giving recommendation. I'm considering switching to private with her if the costs are affordable enough for us.

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2w ago

Glad to hear that you had a good doctor in this route. I just met my doctor on 13 weeks and his name is Quak Wen Yu - he’s rude and not much reassuring in his advice.

i checked with my fren who recommended me to private clinic, the price is the same as the private KKH. I was told that if go by the subsidised route for the test would be cheaper since the test is the same whether u took the private or subsidised route, u can convert to private at KKH after the test are done too.. hope it helps..

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2w ago

Thanks for the advice!!

Hi hi, congrats! I'm first time mum also w KKH as a private patient. I'm seeing doctor Ee Tat Xin. i like his vibes. i always feel encouraged after consulting him. he is pro natural birth whenever possible, friendly, gives practical advice.

23h ago

Yes i do. I rmb there is a bill calculator on KKH website cos the cost depends on which ward is chosen

even I feel same price.i am visiting nuh