24 Replies

Excellent and professional investigative services. I hired hackerspyville@gmail.com for a very private and difficult matter of hacking my spouse phone, and he far exceeded my expectations. He helped me get the info(whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs etc) I needed faster and cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in which he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him,, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person and if you have a dishonest partner don't hesitate to reach out to him. WWW.HACKERSPYVILLE.COM

Do you want get access into your wifes gmail account, facebook, school grades, spy on phone, contact kelvinethicalhacker@gmail.com, i alway knew there was a possibility he might be cheating on me but i didn't have any evidence to prove that, his phone has a password so there was no way i could have access to it, i contacted this hackerspyville@gmail.com, he help me have get into her phone , he was able to access the phone remotely using only the phone number where i got to see all text messages or whatsapp, messages, facebook, instagram and all other social media platform, you can reach out to him for help. WWW . HACKERSPYVILLE . COM

Most women are in a relationship that is full of lies and deceit but they don't know how to go about it because they don't have any evidence. Have once been in that situation and I know how painful it is until I saw a post here referring to them decided to contact them and they were able to give me full access to my partners phone without leaving any traces... I m saying big thanks to this team and also referring them to anyone who might need their help as well. WWW . HACKERSPYVILLE . COM

None of us. During the initial years of our marriage we used to text each other and one of us would say sorry and the other too would say sorry. But now, we do not say sorry and we just become fine, because either the milkman comes to ask for money or the kid comes for something or some errand comes up where we both have no choice but to start talking. So, once we start talking, no one apologises as 'sorry' for us meant that now we will start talking to each other.

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Are you worried your husband might be cheating on you? Do you want to spy on their chats, calls and text messages? Do you want to get notifications of the places they visit? they can do all these and more. He clone mobile phones thereby delivering intercepted messages in real time. Catch them red handed. He can get you all the evidence you need. Write to her at hack4wise @gmail com and thank me later

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Definitely my husband. I am really obstinate and I find it extremely difficult to apologise. I usually end up in tears after we argue, and my husband would explain his reasons for his behaviour and why he felt hurt by what I did. Sometimes, neither of us apologises and we can still make up, but most of the time, it's my husband who tries to make peace first.

When we were new as a couple, it was always my husband who apologizes regardless whose fault. But on the latter part of the marriage, almost no one would initiate anymore. I always try to patch things up but it's really not my nature to apologize by saying sorry. I initiate the conversation and admit my fault but you would hardly here the line, "I'm sorry."

In my experience, women are far more likely to apologize first as we've been socialized to smooth the way in emotional situations. I have to make a real effort to not automatically apologize as a woman for things they obviously are not in any way my fault, so I'm a bit confused about where this question is coming from.

As much as I love to fight and prove my point, its all a volcano.. Sudden eruption and then sudden cool off! I need to vent it out..Once done I run into his arms and say sorry cuddling him tight.. Its not really about saying sorry. Its about moving on with the finer things post the battle :)

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