Baby Vaccination

My baby hep B dose 2 is supposed to be due in end of feb. Tried to make appt at woodlands polyclinic but was fully booked. E next available slot is 2nd wk of march. Is it ok to delay the vaccination by 2 wks? Or shld i go to another polyclinic which may have an earlier slot?

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VIP Member

I booked at a different polyclinic (further away from home) for just the first jab. After that, managed to book appt at the closest polyclinic for the subsequent ones.

Super Mum

Not advisable to delay for so long. Try out other nearby polyclinics, paed or gp.

VIP Member

No worries, it’s ok to delay for few weeks for HepB vaccination

Super Mum

It’s actually okay:) just go at the earliest available slot

VIP Member

It should be ok. If not, just call in and ask the nurse

Mine was delayed too .. dun worry mummy , its gonna be fine

VIP Member

Two weeks is fine but not longer than that...

Super Mum

Mine was delayed for a month should be ok

VIP Member

It's ok to delay.

VIP Member

Should be alright