SGH appointment
Anyone also got an appointment at SGH? I only managed to get a slot on 28 Feb, when I'm almost at the end of first trimester (around 13 weeks). Can't get an earlier slot as well. Is this ok? Abit worried as it is my first pregnancy, EDD should be 30 Aug Thanks in advance!

It’s quite late! Please do not delay and try to book a slot at private clinic soon! Some popular private clinics might need to wait up to 2 weeks already. It would be better to ensure baby is doing fine at week 8. The gynae can advise what you need to take (like folic acid) or do accordingly as first trimester is the most crucial period. You need to take blood test and check for baby’s down syndrome at week 12 too. Take care especially this is your first pregnancy! All the best mommy!
Read moreIt’s quite late as you need to check baby’s heartbeat and condition at week 7-8 and do a down syndrome & blood test around week 12! This test cannot be tested too late. Suggest you to go to a private clinic first! Remember to take folic acid daily. It is very important for first trimester.
for me better do at SGH, if want earlier you just can do reschedule by Health buddy app.. SGH more easy for Reschedule, because first I under KKH but there very difficult to do.. we have to follow KKH schedule, that's why I move to SGH..
I think thats way too late. Best to get appt by week 8, as first trim is very crucial. Would suggest making appt to kkh first then can proceed with sgh(dont cancel the appt). Or if you want in the mean time can go private clinic
Me. Yes SGH takes quite long but only for first appointment. My first appointment was scheduled during my sec trimester too. If you dont want to wait maybe can try other hospitals and see if they can give you earlier slots?
I think it's a bit late. This happened to my friend too so she went to a private clinic for her first trimester then went with her appt with public hosp after that in second trimester!
Have you tried NUH? I got the referral from polyclinic at around week 6, and got my first appt at week 8. You may want to consider NUH first before transferring to SGH
Maybe you can see other gynae in SGH first while waiting for the appt on 28 Feb? I managed to get a slot in SGH in 1 week time