My baby is 9month old now. She needs to breastfeed to sleep every night. Am I creating a bad habit by allowing baby to breastfeed to sleep? She still will wake up 3-4times in the mid night to suck for comfort. Refuse hugging to sleep. What should I do?

By 4 to 5 months, they should have already accustomed to a bedtime routine. Hence, at 9 mths, they are used to being latched for milk and also for comfort. You can try to break the routine by patting her to bed or give her pacifier if she has or let her cry out. My boy used to suck for comfort at early 3mths but i broke his routine and ignore his cries. Unable to see me going to him for comfort, he cried for about 5 mins and went back to sleep. it continued for a good 3 to 4 days before he successfully slept through the nights till now he is 2.5yo. Baby is highly adaptable and flexible. Remain calm and remember, it is ok to let baby cries for while with supervision but too long, is no good as they will have "wind."
Read moreI don't agree that it is a bad habit as at times, they may cry as they r really hungry. Personally i latch my baby of 9mths to sleep too and wakes up at least 3x for milk without fail. I take it in a positive manner that baby is trying to create nonding time. Sometimes it may b the lack of security for tje baby.
Read moredisrupted sleep is unhealthy for babies as it is established that they grow/ develop when they sleep. consider the fact that babies beyond 6 months old do not need night feedings anymore and sleep is priority for their development. since we do not deprive our babies of food, why should we deprive them of proper sleep?
Read moreSleep train your baby to let them learn the skill of self soothing.
Seems like she has associated sleep with feeding. You can try to teach her to self soothe without the breast. Feed her earlier before her bedtime. Once she is drowsy, pat her or offer her an alternative maybe a pacifier if you like.
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