My baby girl also had the same problem and PD suspected cow milk allergy so had to be on NaN HA partially when my breastmilk was still coming in. If she still shows the same symptoms she possibly has to try total non diary milk which I can’t rem what brand it was she recommended. Thankfully, she was ok with NaN HA. Thereafter, she was on full breastmilk but that means I can’t eat any diary products to ensure this doesn’t get into my breastmilk to her and she’s totally ok with both breastmilk and NaN HA. She was also a “gassy” baby who has difficulty burping in the past so after every feed we have to spend a lot of time burping her probably and sometimes in between feeds she needs to be burped before continuing. Eventually when she’s older PD recommended Ridwind which helped her colicky symptoms tremendously when necessary. Hope this helps. Do consult your PD for further advice.
My baby used to projectile vomit once-twice everyday in addition to spit ups after every feed. Her PD diagnosed her with acid reflux and gave some medicine to manage it, and it got better quickly. I think they will eventually outgrow it at 3-4 months so don't worry too much. Doctor also advised to hold her upright and pat her back for half an hour after feeding. Mine was diagnosed with milk allergy later on but not sure if it's related, you may look into that as well.
At that age, my LO was always spitting out milk too, sometimes vomiting. It’s likely just regurgitation.. only improved after about 2 months. In fact, after burping out some air, some milk will come out as well. When you say constipation, do you mean your LO has not passed motion at all? Or does she seem to strain when passing?
Before my girl reached 2 months, she would always regurgitate milk even after burping. After 2 months, almost no regurgitation and she didn’t poop everyday although she seems not bothered with it. She was purely breastfed.
It could be too 'cold' ,凉到。Swaddle her to avoid exposing her tummy and apply ointment to get the gas out.
Babies on breastmilk can go without pooping for days