Would you consider working in the office while pregnant?
Would you consider working in the office while pregnant?
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Kalau ikutkan memang nak duk rumah tapi dah kene keje nk buat macam mana. Alhamdulillah dpt rehat awal sebulan sebelum due date sbb positif Covid-19 cat 4.

alhamdulillah, 34 minggu dan masih bekerja. inshaAllah kerja sampai 30/4/2021 ni sebab due 5/5 nanti nurse dah suruh standby awal check in 😂

skrg 31w, & Alhamdulillah masih berkerja

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Ya kalau dah kerja kena laa kerja, haha

Yes but i work in retail. Its tiring

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Have to keep working

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yes, why not


if necessary

biasa saja.

Super Mum

Why not..