4 days to go before over due. Blom ade tanda2 nk brsalin. What to do?. Takut over due. Bnykkan berjalan knon tp saya ni makin dekat due, makin pemalas. Kalau bole nk baring je. Punya lh excited mama smpai si budak xnak kuar lgi. Tgu hari raya mgkin😜 Mgkin c budak nak bgi dlu chance c mamanya makan kuih2 raya dan daging rendang. 😅😂 #excitedmama
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.. BABY #2.. Excited Mommy!. ☺️☺️☺️☺️ #pregnancy
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..I'm currently in my 19th weeks right now, but my baby in my tummy is not really kicking/moving very often. Is it normal?. This is my 2nd baby already, but It feels like this is my 1st baby again. Worried. Nk sgt rasa si baby tendang kuat sikit. I can't wait to do the detail scan. Hopefully, My Baby is just healthy inside my tummy. 😔 #pregnancy #advicepls #bantusharing
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