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Tumpang tanya, saya sekarang mengandung anak pertama dah masuk 32 minggu. Bacaan urine asyik tak cantik, asyik ada protein. Saya kena ulang alik ke klinik kesihatan seminggu untuk monitor bp dengan urine. Last time dua minggu berturut kena ulang alik. Macam mana nak bagi bacaan tu cantik ? Any advises from experienced mom ? #pregnancy #advicepls #First_time_mom
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I am on my second trimester 25 weeks. Lately and this usually happens at night time, I will get heartburn and it was very uncomfortable. Sometimes lead to diarrhoea and vomiting. Not to mention the backpain 😭 Help me, Im tired of not being able to sleep at night and crying over the toilet bowl #1stimemom
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