13 Replies

i booked appt when i tested positive at 5th week. But my gynae clinic earliest slot is one mth later, so my first scan was around 9th week. It is better to scan on the 6th weeks onwards as the heartbeat can be detected by ultrasound.

Visit when you are week 6 and above.. because if you go so early, ultrasound cannot detect anything. but if this is your first may want to just schedule for a peace of mind and your Gynae will ask you to come back later..

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I went at week 4 and can only see sac, so gynae asked me to come back 2 weeks later (aka 6th week). If you don't wanna waste money like what happened to me, advisable to go at 6th week for first visit


I visited gynae at week 6. Too early might not be able to see the sac or heartbeat yet.

VIP Member

Normally if I comfirm positive I will straight go see gynae to double comfirm

I went to polyclinic at weeks 5 to get the referral letter.

VIP Member

I gt referral @ polyclinic, they make an appt for me

VIP Member

Week 7 cause I had brown stain three times..

I asked the doctor..She said early pregnancy has risk condition and lots of factors to trigger that..But I think I was tired and not rest enough..So, after bed rest for some days and ate vitamin + duphaston..no more stain..alhamdulillah

VIP Member

I made an appt for around week 8.

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