9 Replies

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I'd agree with Kris and Jasmine, don't let people's opinions get to you because ... everyone is always going to have opinions. When you'll find a boyfriend, when you'd get a job, when you'd get married, when you'd have your baby, when is your baby gonna have a sibling ... the list goes on. I'd strongly recommend that you talk things out with your husband and plan it out (roughly). If having kids isn't on your list until you're financially and mentally ready, then be sure to take precautions - it's not just for couples before marriage! If your family is still pressuring you, then explain to them nicely that you want to be ready financially and not have a sudden situation where you're struggling with family budgeting. If they still don't understand, it's okay because it's your body, your marriage and your kids :) Don't ever rush into anything because someone else wants you to, you might end up feeling bad about everything because it wasn't something you wanted - and when it comes to having a child, it's a feeling you wouldn't want to deal with.

VIP Member

Actually there is no best time to have kids. I have friends who didn't want kids when they were younger coz not ready they said and now when they want kids they are unable to conceive:( Have a heart to heart talk with the hubs as a having a child must be something both of you want. Parenting comes naturally so don't worry too much about it 🤗

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Not ready then don’t have kids. Hubby and I married for 2 years before we got pregnant (and even then I wasn’t even ready yet but God blessed us with a baby). Ignore all the in laws, parents, relatives and all. Hopefully one day, this culture of asking people when they’re going to have kids will stop.

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Don't let what others think dictate your decision especially when it's a life changing decision. And besides there are many people who conceive easily even into their 30s. I'm one of them. I waited 3 years and even then felt like I wasn't that ready. Being a mother is really not easy.

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I think it is best for your spouse to speak to his parents separately and you speaking to yours. I also told my mom that it is better to have child when we are ready. If not, you always feel that the child is a burden in life.

VIP Member

just ignore. if they keep pushing, tell them off. 😀😀 i did that to my parents too. i told them i need to work, get a stable income first. im not gonna cry and overly stress because i cant feed my kid next time.

Best time is when you both are ready, because there will be a lot of changes happening emotionally mentally financially and physically. You both need to discuss and decide since it affects only both of you.

VIP Member

It’s normal for them to ask.. my advise is, for you & you hubby to enjoy each other’s company first. Being bf-gf is way way different from husband-wife. Especially staying in 1 roof 😂

This decision will impact you two the most and hence you two should discuss more and decide what is the best for you two at the moment. Rest everything can be explained and managed :)

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