tummy time
when do you start tummy time with newborn? how long each time? and how do you go about doing it?

I started at about 3 weeks old, mainly putting my LO against my chest as I recline on the sofa. Do it some time after a feed (not immediately otherwise vomiting may happen) and when your LO is alert and happy. When the neck gets stronger, then the full tummy time on a mat can be done more often
Hi, Tummy time can be started when the baby is 2-3 weeks old. Start with 5 - 10 minutes initially and then you can increase the duration gradually
When baby is 1 week plus? Just put baby on my chest for few minutes..
About a week, each time not more than 5mins
After 1 week. Just gently roll LO over on the tummy starting with one min then slowly extend the time.