Tummy Time
When do you start tummy time for babies? My newborn is currently 8 days old

You can start from birth. You can begin by putting your baby on the tummy on a flat but soft surface for about 10 to 20 seconds or until your baby cries/fuss. You can also do tummy time by placing your baby belly-down on your chest or your lap. Do it everyday and slowly increase the time. By 3 months, they should be able to do tummy time for about 20-30 minutes or more. But if you don’t feel comfortable, you can start tummy time after your baby turns 1 month when baby is more sturdy.
Read moreMy baby is 11 days old. Don't mind sharing what's your feeding like. Mine always crying for milk. And I am worried I might over feed. Thanks
Can start already..for a short while then slowly increase the timing
OK. Thanks
I started at 1 Mo!
For short while
proud mummy of 2 princesses