14 Replies

If your spouse is abusing you and it has happened on more than one occasion I would firstly go and see you doctor to document the abuse. Depending on your comfort level I would also suggest seeing a counsellor or reporting this to the police. If you are not ready for this yet speak to a trusted family member or friend and ask them for support so you are not going through this alone.


No woman deserves to be physically abused regardless whether the husband apologised or not. You should report this with your neighbourhood police so there will be a record for future reference - no need to tell your husband about this as this is for your own protection. As for your suspicion, fire The Maid and return to agency. No point prolonging your suspicion and agony

I will never let that happen and I don't think anyone should ever go through an abused relationship no matter what reasons. Please protect yourself and love yourself more, if this continue, I hope you will leave him. They will never stop once they start, this abuse is not going to end.

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VIP Member

Physical abuse can become a habit and you need to stand up on this and seek help. He is not remorseful and perhaps you want to consider changing maid?

Please speak to someone close! And you should also make a police report.

VIP Member

Make a police report and inform your family and close friends!

You need to call the authorities. Don't suffer in silence!

Get help from fren and family. And go police is necessary

Pls protect yourself and your family report to police

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