Suspect stealing
What do u do if u suspect your helper stealing things?

I've had this experience in the past. But it was a misunderstanding. Although I thought that my helper had stolen from me, I had kept some money in my pocket instead of my purse. Talking to her really helped as I was able to locate the money.
I would definitely send get back to the agency, she has betrayed my trust and how would I be able to entrust her with my kids? That said of coz you need to have solid proof that she's been stealing things.
If you don’t trust your helper anymore, no point living in fear. Look for a replacement and send her back to the agent. If you have proof, make a police report and send her back to her country.
Stealing is a big no no for me. Esp if I have kids at home. Because in future may have conflict and blame pushing. I sent back mine who stole from me.
Set her up. Specifically leave money in an area only you know and see if she takes it. Then you can confirm
I will install cctv and if it get out of hand. I would seek her agreement to check.
Do you have cctv at home? Keep the room where you have valuables locked
I will put some extra money around the house and watch her moves.
Keep things away , lock. N to confirm get evident, cctv is gd
Just show extra care .. watch her more carefully..