What do you mums do with your old pregnancy clothes?

Well, if you are still planning for more, keep it aside first else can either sell it off or donate it to the needy. For some of the mothers, as they are unable to lose to their pre-pregnancy size and didn't want to spend extra money on clothes, some of them actually wore back those maternity clothes for the next few months till they shed the kilos. Of course, choose those clothes suitable and do not make you look preggy again else you will hear many people asking you, Pregnant again!?!
Read moreIf you are planning for more children, keep them! If they are in good condition, you can consider giving it to friends or sell them (online such as on gumtree: http://www.gumtree.sg/s-maternity-pregnancy/maternity+clothes/v1c212q0p1). or donate them (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1437902803105381/permalink/1530392133856447/).
Read morei did not buy too many maternity clothes, but just regular tees and so on in one or two sizes bigger. i did buy a few shirts in bigger sizes that i later altered to my own size. rest i handed over to my maid as they were in good condition, and she said that someone or the other she knows will be able to use them.
Read moreI didn't buy any maternity clothes but bigger sizes instead which were comfortable enough for me to wear when I was pregnant. After I gave birth, I kept them for my "fat days" for me to lounge around when I'm home and not going out lol.
I don't know how but I did not become too big during my pregnancy and my existing clothes of that time fitted me well till my 7th month and later I bought only few which I later also wore when I got back in shape. Was lucky that ways.
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I never bought any maternity wear, guess i was more fortunate as i was pretty petited in size. However, for any old clothings ill donate them in blessing groups on facebook or carousell.
i didn't bought any maternity wear, guess i didnt become too big during my pregnancy. for my old clothing that are still in good condition, i'll just donate them.
Actually never bought any maternity find it pretty expensive I only bought some loose tops/tees and some dresses that I can still Wear even preggy or not 😀
I gave my clothes to my maid when she got pregnant. I thought it will be good if I am able to make the best use of them this way.