Diaper rashes cream
At what age can I stop using diaper rashes cream?

You can gradually decrease and observe how your LO’s bottom reacts to the length of time it is exposed to moisture. My girl rashes easily so I apply it after every nappy change. She’s 5 months old now.
We only used it when she had really red/itchy bottom. Sporadically. It’s not necessary to use
I only used it at night since we don’t change his diaper in the middle of the night
I only use when necessary. Like maybe night time or when LO has diarrhoea or rashes.
I never use it before on my son.. Just make sure keep it clean, wash and dry it :)
I will still apply it on my lo after shower, as long as diaper is still in use.
I stopped using diaper rash cream only when my son stopped using diapers
After a month, I don’t use diaper rash cream unless it’s necessary
I only use when there is rashes or sign of going to get rashes.
When your baby doesn’t have rashes anymore...