3 Replies

Ergobaby360 carrier actually allows and is also designed for a front outward position of carrying your baby but Ergobaby emphasizes that this position must be done for ONLY short duration of time like 10-15mins. If baby fusses or is sleepy, position him facing you http://www.ergobaby.com.au/instructional-videos/360-videos/front-outward/ I found another article that I think is an important reading material for this matter. It states 10 reasons why front faced carrying of your baby is not good: 1. does not support your baby's legs. Aside from legs,baby's hips and spine are unsupported too, discouraging proper hip development. 2. makes it tough for the wearer to carry the baby. It is easier to carry a baby embracing your body than a baby curved away from it.The wearer's back has to arch to compensate for the weight. 3. places baby in an arched position. It creates a hollow back position that puts a lot of pressure in the spine. Baby is forced to carry his own weight as well as absorb the force each step the wearer makes. 4. places undue pressure on groin and may chafe the inner thighs of your baby. It is not ideal to suspend babies by their most sensitive parts, especially for little boys. 5. May overstimulate baby. Baby gets overhwhelmed in taking in things he sees around him. 6. Doesn's support head or neck. Baby might develop positional asphyxia.Carrying position that compensates airways are not advisable. 7.Thermoregulation difficulty for baby. It is easier for a baby to create and conserve heat while facing the mother than when chest is exposed. 8. harder to respond to baby's cues. It is harder for baby to communicate his needs without eye contact w/ mother. 9. throws off baby's center of gravity. There's nothing for baby to grab hold on to stabilize himself thus making him arch his back under his own weight. 10. may not be wonderful on your back too giving you lower back pains. learn more thorough details here http://www.boba.com/blog/nine-reasons-not-to-carry-your-baby-facing-out

I agree with what's explained above. While Ergo 360 supports front-facing forward position, it's not really the ideal position for a slew of reasons. If you'd ask me, I'll prefer the traditional front-backward position because that way, I'll be able to see my kid's face. :)

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