Just want to rant.. Dont understand why my child i cant make the decision myself just because my husband dont really bother.. just like yesterday had dinner with in law. My son having flu and cough so at night go out suppose to be wearing something hotter. So i wear him 2 clothes. But in law keep say he sweating why give him wear 2 clothes. I keep repeating myself saying he having cough and flu.. but nevermind this.. The other, my son shyt and the smell stain on the pants and for very long time so the pampers wet and the pants wet (not say very wet). So my in law change him and ask me to not let him wear pants. I was like nevermind lah. Just let him wear. Then she give me the what the hell face and carry my son walk away.. What the big deal? And we are about to go home already also.. never wear pants even colder at night.. And i dont really really understand why, at night my son is looking for me and yet my in law and her whole family love to carry my son far far away from my sight when he was looking for me instead.. they rather give him cry than carry right back to me.. being a mother is 24/7 standby.. they keep say 'let mummy rest awhile la' i was like, my own child and he is looking for me isnt it should pass back to me instead? that was why i dont really like to meet them at all... End of ranting.. thank you mummies for reading(:

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Oh dear, i feel you. Dealing with in and out laws are so tough. In the midst of this i want to remind you that i'm sure everyone means well for baby. Maybe they really want to give you a break. Take it in your stride. That may help you. It takes a village to raise a child. You are more fortunate to have people around you, without people it is very tough. I have no friends nor family to help. Even when i was going into labor, It's tough. Hope you feel better soon.

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8y ago

I dont mind they help. But i dont like my baby to cry so much.. and at night im the main care giver that take cares of my lo . Thats why he looking for me instead. At night cry alot wind in their tummy. So i always want minimise the crying..