Mood Swing
These days i don't know why but i easily getting angry.. Everybody can't even make little mistake or trying to denying me, i will start nagging exactly just like my mom nagging at me before?... Mommies always like this? ?Are they? Are you?

I also like you.. worse bcoz i had depression before. So seems like its coming back. plus with all the morning sickness etc, i easily get angry. Luckily my husband understands me & treat me very well. u need to find something that can calm u down. otherwise, avoid from doing / talking to the person u feel uncomfortable with.
Baca lagihahaha...blame it on hormone. hahaha god! i am easily mad with little things. get mad at my husband & my daughter. my husband notice about this changes. so he asks me to stay quietly in the room and get rest, so he take care of our daughter after school. pity him n my daughter but what to do, i cant control my hormone.
Baca lagiMommy I think you are having stress. A little help from your husband might help you feel a bit better. Maybe helping you do chores or take care of your kids for a while.
🤣 this pregnancy made me block everyone except my mother on whatsapp because i find them to be so dramatic. so im guessing its normal cz im not alone
Me too..especially when i'm a teacher..😅😅😅..can't control my mood..
Mama OJ and Baby T