9 Replies

For my 1st baby I cut my hair as everyone advised me to. However, I regretted after that. I couldn't tie up my hair and it was Super hot. When my hair started to grow out, I had to go and trim it. It was frustrating as the last thing I want is to have to worry about my hair. Everyone was nice with their comments but I know the short hair made me feel like an auntie. Following that, for my next pregnancies, I left my hair Long and was much happier. I could tie it up and not bother with it. After my confinement, I just went for a trim and I feel like my confident old self. Ultimately it is up to the individual mummy but this is my personal experience.

I personally prefer to keep my hair short during confinement. I had cut my hair from waist length to boyish short hair a week before my due date to prepare for confinement. Reasons: 1. It was easier to maintain 2. I felt less warm with short hair 3. I started to wash my hair with herbal water one week after giving birth and it was easier to wash with short hair. Moreover, it was easier and faster to blow dry short hair too.

it's up to individual comfort level. the good thing about long hair is that u can tie it up during confinement. however, the downside is that u'd need to wash and dry more hair during bath. for short hair, it's easy to wash and dry but bits of hair may get in your face when u attend to baby

If you want to cut your hair short for confinement, try to cut it to the length that you can still tie your hair up as it will be very hot during confinement especially after drinking all the hot confinement soups. Otherwise, you can cut until very short so it will irritate you.

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My hairdresser told me, cut away a bit is good cause hair too long will lose the nutrients hence hair dropped more easily. I cut not too short nor too long. Like the rest said either you cut very short or you cut at the length where you can tie it Up.

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Not necessary because you will end up tying your hair as it's easier. You may just wish to trim and cut it thinner?

I think it's unnecessary - if you are ok to just tie it up all the time.
