Scan 10 weeks + ?

Just to share. Last night we had scanned our baby to check on him after an 18 hours journey from Kelantan ?. To check either he's ok or not in there. Alhamdulillah everything was ok. Got to hear the heartbeat, see his tiny little body, head, hands and legs. ? It was like he knows we are looking at him ?. But the doc said he was 9w+ so it was diff 1w. I'm not afraid just want to know how can it be that different? Mind to share your thoughts mommies? ?

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Scan ni operator based. Makna org lain scan, lain value akan dapat, and at different time pn different value akan dapat. Sbb tu wujud normal range. Kalau 1st trimester acceptable range is plus minus 1 week. So kalau scan time 10 weeks, dpt size 9 weeks or lebih 11 weeks kira normal la. Dr akan alert kalau range dia way out of normal. So jgn risau

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5y ago

Ohhh ok tq for the explanation 🤗