25 Replies
37 weeks sharp. No contraction at all, basically no symptoms. I just feel that the baby is getting way lower so I called the ambulance π and it's true it came out
First child - 38 weeks Second child - 37 weeks 6 days Third child - 35 weeks 5 days Fourth child - 37 weeks 4 days Fifth child - 40 weeks All normal birth.
any tips for us who wants to give birth naturally?
1st 40 weeks &1day(lower back aching & irregular contractions) 2nd 39 weeks & 1day (water bag leak early in the morning and irregular contractions)
37 weeks. Had Braxton Hicks contractions in the middle of the night 2 days before actual delivery. Very tired and lethargic during those 2 days.
Got induced at close to week 38 due to baby size is getting big
i was induced labour at 38wks, natural delivery with epidural
Mine was 37 weeks... back pain became worse!
First child: 39w+0d Second child: 39w+5d
First child is usually longer than edd
A few days short of 40wks
Aika Aw