Which week did you give birth (naturally) to your #1?
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39 weeks and 2 days 8 hours in labour Dilated from 3cm to 9cm in 30min Pushed for 5min Everything happened so fast🥴😂 Now my baby is 3 weeks old🥰
Read more40wk .. had to induce bby stil going strong to reach 41 wk but dr said nono, ur head getting bigger hard to come out later x.x. lol
I gave birth at week 41. Vaginal delivery and healthy baby!!
VIP Member
Induced @38 weeks. Now 38 +1 about to deliver:)
VIP Member
37 weeks 7 days #TAPactiveusers
I delivered my no 1 at week 37
I delivered my no1 at week 39
39 weeks and it's baby girl..
36 week 4 days