hi mintak pendapat gugur

hi semua. nak mntk tlg, first bby i bru nk masuk 4 bulan, ada tak yang dah kawin tapi pernah pregnant balik waktu terdekat. kitorang pun financial sgt x kuat now. baru missed period harini. dah x sedap hati check 2 line.. bby pun kecik lagi. boleh ke nak gi gugur kat klinik waktu awal2 mcm ni . tlg advise. mmg x mampu dan tak larat.

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not that easy. prosedur bkn sng..byk stage..from kk to kaunseling to specialist. tu pun dktr akan evaluate the mum 1st, priority for high risk mum (ada penyakit mengancam nyawa, etc). if u not in that kind of group..they wouldn't do. my advise, redha...go with the flow. eventually ada hikmah all these happen

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