23 Replies

Super Mum

Only you can accompany her to the delivery suite (if you’re healthy). Nobody can stay overnight with her. Personally, I would discourage anyone else from visiting her at the hospital in this season. It’s best they visit her after you and your wife are back home. My friend who had to bring their baby for appointments at KKH.. they don’t even allow both parents to go. Only 1 parent is allowed.

We discharged on 15 March.. Only 1 visitor, husband also considered visitor, at a time. Even if A ward, no visitor can stay overnight. I know cos we kena. So annoyed but what to do..MOH decree.

Even class A cannot stay over.

Only 1 person at a time. When I gave birth last month, they allow one person with me and when my parents wanna visit me.. they have to take turns

if you are well... maybe just you no visitors no family only because of the situation currently better be safe than sorry

VIP Member

Only 1 visitor per visit due to the covid 19. No one is allowed to sleep over unless its in labour ward or class A ward

VIP Member

only 1 (husb considered 1 alr) and not allowed to overnight except at labour ward ofc 😅

Probably good to avoid visitors except direct family. Best to check with the hospital

Ya, in all hospital i guess its the same. Only 1 bedder then husband can stay in.

Super Mum

Stay over strictly one bedder A1 ward allowed. For visiting, have to take turns.

Super Mum

Please bring 1 set of going home clothing for baby too . Hospital won't provide

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