pregnancy U Shaped pillow
is the pregnancy u shaped pillow useful? should I buy?

I bought something similiar but it is not useful for me cause I find it very constrain. I bought around when I was in week 20 and now week 35 I still haven't used it. But a small pillow to support my back is essential though. It's very individual I think.
I actually found the clevamama sleep pod which doubles up as a pregnancy pillow, then breastfeeding pillow, plus sleep pod the best buy ever. I even bought a second one when my first one tore. My bb is 1yr now and I'm still using.
It makes sleeping more comfortable during pregnancy. It is very useful in the later stages especially when sleeping in a normal position becomes a real challenge :) It also enhances blood circulation.
Personally I don't find it very useful as I can use more pillows to support my back and tummy. And this U Shaped pillow take up a lot of bed space.
I didn't buy pregnancy pillow cos I find it in-the-way after pregnancy. What I did to support me then was 2 bolsters and many pillows hahaha
Multiple small pillows do a better job. It’s difficult getting out of this pillow during nighttime toilet runs...
Honestly I really don’t need it .. I used normal pillows for support .. it depends on the individual I guess
Not exactly necessary. U can use bolsters and pillows as support. They work exactly the same :)
Great, thanks!!
It was not useful for me, cause in 3rd trimester we cannot sleep to the side anymore.
A friend lent one to me, very sweet of her but I didn't use it, not even once 😜
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