Any parents here have children and are without the help of either own parents or parent-In-laws? I'm in this situation. Hubby and I are on our own and I'm almost worn out liao. Use to have maid but she stole my things and I sent her back. After that have phobia having maid cos previous maid really gives me a lot of prob. My mom's two maids also created a lot of prob. So I have a bad bad phobia about getting a maid. I have two kids aged 5 and 10 months old. I'm a working mom too. Day time kids go to childcare and infant care. Otherwise, we handle on our own and I feel very worn out. Anybody same situation as me? Can share how u cope?

Hang in there mom! It's no easy. I am without maid, bad experiences after a couple of try, so I crossed that option out. Both me and hubby are not local, so we neither have parents nor in-laws around. It takes its toll when I have 2. One kid was okay, two is a whole new level. My older one was 2.5 when i give birth to my second one. Approaching my due date, we get in laws to come in for a month to help out. Afterwards, it's all on us. Hubby was working late a lot and I tried not to bother him so much after such long hours of working. Laundry, cleaning, cooking, groceries, doctor appointment, sick kids, one never-ending chores after another. Sometimes I see other mommies and wondering why I can't feel that joy of having kids like they do? In the midst of cooking and crying babies, there are times I question my very existence and purpose of life. I tried to reach out to the people I think will understand what I feel, but they don't. I got judgement instead; what I should do right, what I did wrong, what supposed to be done, and such. Looking back, I didn't know know how I did it. Now my babies are 3 and 5, things are getting better. They are healthy, happy and growing beautifully, very close and dear to me — these are my credits :) You deserve a pat on the back. Don't give up, know that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Don't you ever forget that what you are doing are valuable for you and your family.
Read moreBig hugs to you mommy. It is definitely not easy. Since day time kids go to hold are and infantcare, is it possible for Once a week to ask you mom or in laws to look after them even for just half a day? Or to lessen your load get a part time helper to help with the chores. Infant care is half day on Saturdays? That should buy you more time to rest? I am taking care my gal on my own for a husband is based overseas so I do not have anyone to help me when baby is sick or if I wanna move heavy things or buy baby stuffs I have to do all on my own. I stay with my parents but they are old and they already have a other three grandkids to look after so I try not to trouble them too much. I have not gone back to work yet. Once a week my mil looks after my gal for 1.5 days and she even stays overnight with my mil. Initially I was against the idea of getting mil to help but I really can't take it. If anyone is willing to help you babysit for a few hours I think it will be good even if it is to babysit the elder one only
Read moreGd you're reaching out. My kids are now 16 & 10, I don't think it gets easier. Each stage has work& challenges & also joys! What i suggest is you begin with a picture of the kind of family life you want. Our family life quality is the foundation for all other areas. A full time job plus chores plus marriage plus kids is impossible today becoz of pace & expectations. Try to talk over the vision with your hubby. Encourage him in his role. If at all possible scale back work. Save your best energy for those who mean the most to you! And find a way to refresh yourself too! Take care!
Read moreWow moms, i envy all of you. Unfortunately, for myself i have no family member, friends nor even a part time helper to help. No inlaws either. So its just me and hubby. Till the extend that when i gave birth to my second we had no one to care for my older boy. I understand how you feel. Then again i can only try to relate. No one will understand the difficulties we face. However, we still managed right? To think of it, i never coped, its either do or die :) im sure all you need is empathy and support this point in time. Cheer up, dont give up.
Read moreI stopped full-time work and started part-time (to the chagrin of my husband), and my stress level is more manageable now, and I have less breakdowns. When I had postnatal depression, I started seeing a psychiatrist and I was also encouraged to join support groups such as Mindful Mums Hope this is helpful. Big Hugs Mummy!
Maybe start with a part time helper for chores, and order a tingkat service for food. It will lighten your load considerably already. If you don't like strangers, then it's better you get a babysitter from an agency instead of classified ads. It's not foolproof but at least SOMEONE has done the screening. From experience, it isn't easy to find one anyway.
Read moreIf u feel tired, tell ur hubby u need a short break maybe 1 to 2 hr daily. I only have 1 kid. But i am working part time 3 times a week, doing online business, looking after my girl's bunny and my hubby and also doing all the housechores at is not easy...but hang on...soon our kids will grow up in a blink of an eye..
Read moreI'm in the same situation as u. A part time helper comes in to clean our house on weekends and though we dont get daily help from my inlaws and parents, i dump the kids with them on ocassional weekends to get some breathing space to myself. Hang in there mummy! The kids will grow up in no time and be easier to manage. Jia you!!
Read moreI'd love to hear more about the cleaning robot. We never had a maid, no relatives in the country, but someone who does the ironing at least. Wish there were robots for that, too.
Mummies. I totally feel you. Sometimes i tend to close one eye to certain things like housechores. Weekends usually kids are enough to drain me. You can train your elder kid to be independent and help you with the little things at home.
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Do U have a part time maid? What about a baby sitter? I am a working mum too and I Hire a babysitter over the weekends as I cannot spend the whole weekends with my munchkins - would drain me out too much!
Do u mean part time local helper that comes a few hours to do housework ? I used to hire one but she stopped working as a helper and after that I never hire one anymore . As for babysitter, do u hire one to babysit your kids at your own home ? Where do u find a reliable one ? I don't one to get any stranger from agency
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