is it normal as a pregnant woman feel unwanted by husband? i feel like i get not enough attention from him.

I think its normal. I think you should talk to your husband about it though. He might not realise it. And maybe just our hormones. So, think better you ask him what exactly you want of him instead of complaining :) men are different, they understand easily when we tell them what are expected of him, and not just the big picture, like: I want more of your attention, instead, tell him "when I feel lonely, I will go to your side, when I do that, please at least give a hug me for few mins". Men will understand and most likely to comply ^0^
Baca lagiI guess it's normal. I feel the same way in my first and second trimesters. Things changed in third trimester, he cares more but I still feel it's not sufficient. Maybe he doesn't understand the feeling of being pregnant. Just be understanding, at least he tries. 😁😁
I'll just talk whatever I have in my mind. Sometimes he'll feel like I fuss over small matters but I guess pregnancy for us ladies are always big matters 😂 don't stress out too much about it.. Guys have a hard time to understand what we want
Thats normal, i feel that way sometimes too. But one thing for sure, you can talk openly about this with your husband, dont keep bottle up inside.
Try to communicate more to ur husband & try to ignore negative feeling. Talk to ur baby too 😊
betul laa . sy smggu lebih tak ckp . lebih kan kawan2 laki pompuan kerja dr kita .
Normal for me. But I also no mood. :(
I feel the same
Mum of 1 adventurous superhero