A neighbor auntie loves to carry our baby. Wheneva we go over to mil's hse for dinner, next door auntie will carry him to her hse until we r done eating. I had noticed from day 1 tat she loves to kiss baby on e mouth! She helped me to babysit my baby for abt 2mths previously. I am paiseh & feel not nice to tell her not to kiss baby on e lips.. I oso do not know how to tell her abt it.. My baby is almost 6mths old alrdy.. How?

Hello mommy. honestly i would be furious if anyone kisses my baby on her lips! In my opinion, pecks on the cheeks are fine but not on the lips because bodily fluids (saliva) touch. You do not know if neighbour aunty has a clean bill of health n if aunty has any other family member who might likewise kiss your lo on the lips too. it is really unhygienic and it is also not wise for parents ourselves to kiss our babies on the lips. Assuming you are chinese-speaking... and assuming you dont kiss your lo on the lips too... try saying something like this? "Hello Aunty, 不好意思 leh,其实我们不应该 亲baby的嘴唇。医生说这对婴儿不好。应为口水对口水很不好/不卫生。Aunty 我知道你很疼baby... paiseh leh... 你可以亲他的脸颊或小手吧? 真的不好意思." Or the nxt time u go over, you tell her baby went for jab (6mth vacc) and you tell Aunty that polyclinic or pd doc/nurse scolded you for kissing/allowing pple to kiss baby on lips bec baby lips was chafed or just bluff something n use as excuse to tell her. u gotta educate ur own mil too... n ask mil to be the "police"... if all else fails, stop letting aunty carry baby to her home... All the best!
Read moreIs quite difficult to tell her esp she helped to babysit your baby previously. I will just shared on hygiene and not wanting the baby to get used to adult kissing on mouth. As parent, I think we can be gentle yet firm in terms of protecting our babies. My mil loves to kiss my boy on his lips previously but I told her about hygiene and was v firm in that. She agreed with me and kiss on his cheeks from then on.
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U can indirectly tell her.. Ppl kiss bb.. And bb die.. Wow so danger.. Beta dun let our kids kanna kiss by other ppl.. See she get the hint anot lor..
Lol. Ya lor! I heard news abt bb die bcos of kiss on e mouth.. So scary..
Ermm...tricky situation. If it was me i think i will keep quiet only or smile. Lol Otherwise just tell her baby is sick.
Hang on!!