sis in law
My sis in law tends to kiss my 2 mnths old baby on the cheeks with her lips despite telling her countless of time to not do that. Sometimes she'll even kiss with lipstick on. Am i being overprotective to not let her kiss with her lips??

I don’t even like it when people touch my child before cleaning their hands. I can’t stop them from doing so because some people just can’t talk sense into. So I send a subtle message to these people by using wet wipes to clean my child immediately after he’s being touched 😂 especially on cheeks!!!!! Slowly people get it that this mum don’t tolerate such stuff but well some people still......
Read moreOther than my own family members like the grandparents and immediate family. I wont let anyone else to kiss my baby. If you don't like it, try to be firm w your SIL and tell her don't kiss your baby and you don't like it. She also have to understand baby's immune system are not strong like us adults. So many cases baby fall sick due to ppl kissing them.
Read moreI will not allow. I will be very pissed off. I will avoid all kisses especially on the lips. Lipsticks has chemicals. Please don’t let anyone kiss your baby. You go google, “ why shouldn’t you kiss infant “
Read moreYou are the mother so they should listen to you. You are not overeacting. I used to tell people , doesnt matter who they are to dont kiss my baby on hands and face. Strangers arent allowed to touch my kids either. Their immune system is very weak. If the child gets sick you will be the one who is gonna suffer, so be firm.
Read moreim very selfish.. i only allow myself and my husband to kiss my baby (only cheeks for my husband) you are the parent, you have the right to stop anyone from such intimate acts you can try either texting her or get your husband to talk to her. try saying in nice tone, and see if she understands
Hahahahaha happen to me be4 my sis in law always kisses my lo fm head to toe ... my hubby was FIRM n scholded her .. she said my daughter is too kissable she can"t resist to kiss her but at times she still kisses my baby but UNDER CONTROL ... mmhhhhh Duno wat to do also ???
You are not overprotective. I don't even kiss my baby and I also don't allow others to do so. It is to protect our own baby since they are vulnerable. You should be firm and let her know. Let her read those articles about what consequences of kissing a baby.
Maybe you can suggest for her to practice social distancing lol.. no kissing on babies now esp when you can’t be 100% sure who is she coming into contact with.. plus babies immune system is still weak at such a young age.
dont think you're being overprotective. baby immune system is still weak.. mine is only me and my hubby kiss her on the cheek or forehead occasionally. we also play it safe not to kiss her lips as well.
U immediately clean baby cheeks after kiss in front of them , may b then they understand u r uncomfortable to kiss ur baby .. u can explain tht it may causes rashes to the gentle skin