Need to understand men. Questions. Do you "report" to your Wife your whereabouts? Do you let her know if you're going home late? And tell her the reason why. Do you go drinking without telling? Do you work till very late go home just shower and sleep and skip talking to your Wife? Even though she's awake you just do your own thing. Is it married life about doing your own thing and I do mine? I know this is very common in married life. Communication break down. But is it too much to know his whereabouts? At least I won't be at home worrying right? He just don't get it and ask me to stop asking. He will only tell me coming home or going out. That's it. I feel sad for other women last time, now I feel sad for myself as I've never imagine this will happen to me. Ladies, please advise whether you all care so much? Will ask in detail what the Husband is doing? How you all managed to don't care at all?

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My husband will inform me when he knock off from work or working ot. He will let me know if he is going out with his friends. But the details I won't ask much. I just need to know where is he and what time he come home. As long as he is safe I am okay. Too busy taking care of my LO, I can't be bother too much about him like I used to when I don't have a baby. They can lie their where about and stuff, we won't know too. So, take it easy and don't let this affect your mood.

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7y ago

It does affect my mood greatly. Especially at night LO likes to look for him and he still don't want come back. Sometimes she cry and cry until I need to bring her down to wait for him. So I will keep finding out he coming back or not. Maybe he finds that very annoying.