Need to let it out... My husband keep saying me not being flexible enough in thinking. He dislike my family.. and I dislike his family.. but I am staying in my parents house. His way of taking care of our lo is different from mine. And he always insist on his way. But I am a stay home mom, so I can have all the time to take care of my lo. I just feel that after having my lo, my relationship with my husband is rocky. Always quarrel about lo or our family members. Sometime I thinking of divorce and live my own life with my lo. But I am a sahm, maybe custody will not be given to me. I really so tired. I starting to be quiet and ignore things that I don't like or don't wish to hear.. and when he is taking care of my lo, I will start to play games so I can totally not care how his way of taking care. His has a big ego and everything I try talking to him end up he will put his thinking into me. Making me think that his way is better. Dam irritating de. No point talking out to such a selfish person. My lo is 2 months plus.

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I guess it's hard to totally like our inlaws but what we can do is we can just try to show basic respect when we see them on important occasions. No need to try to like them or whatever. I also do not expect my husband to like my family too as we are all human beings and sometimes we don't like someone means don't like, most importantly is both of you as husband and wife must stand up for each other and have open communication. Have you consider moving out on your own or waiting for new house? It could be that as you are still taking care of baby in your parents house, your husband could not see eye to eye to the method which you may have applied by your parent's ways so might have some conflicts? Although you might not like him to interrupt him the way you handle baby, think of the bright side that at least he wants to get involved. It's even great that you close one eye and do your stuff while he handles the baby, as there are husbands who rarely helps out thinks that as long as he bringing the bacon means he no need to get involved in child caring duties. Go and have your ME time because you will crave for more in the long run instead of getting annoyed by him.

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