Need to let it out... My husband keep saying me not being flexible enough in thinking. He dislike my family.. and I dislike his family.. but I am staying in my parents house. His way of taking care of our lo is different from mine. And he always insist on his way. But I am a stay home mom, so I can have all the time to take care of my lo. I just feel that after having my lo, my relationship with my husband is rocky. Always quarrel about lo or our family members. Sometime I thinking of divorce and live my own life with my lo. But I am a sahm, maybe custody will not be given to me. I really so tired. I starting to be quiet and ignore things that I don't like or don't wish to hear.. and when he is taking care of my lo, I will start to play games so I can totally not care how his way of taking care. His has a big ego and everything I try talking to him end up he will put his thinking into me. Making me think that his way is better. Dam irritating de. No point talking out to such a selfish person. My lo is 2 months plus.

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Your whole thing appeared as if I am looking 10 years back at my life. All these things happen, and the trick is to how slide through all this "not at all important" issues and focus on good life. I think, first you move out of your parents home to stay with your husband, and then stay through thick and thin. And talk to each other like friends first and discuss your problems than trying to prove who is right. Let him have his say some times, egoist people feel important this way. But do not feed his ego. You need to be tactful. Be honest with each other. And rather than fighting address the problem and work as a team to solve it. If you think this can work between you two, stay together. I say, give it a try, and if nothing works, it is better to stay apart than ruin each others peace by staying together.

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