8 Replies

Babies have their own personalities too. They have their own likes and dislikes, their favourites, things they hate at sight, touch or taste, and they do warm up to different peope differently. It's the same for my 2 kids. My daughter at 6 months would only cry the moment my relatives come near here or attempt to carry her but she lets my maternal grandfather carry her even though he's the type of man who doesn't show much affection. My son on the other hand loves the attention of anyone and everyone and will let anyone carry him (as long as I am within sight) but cries the moment my dad, who we live with, carries him. I don't think there's any scientific reason why babies react differently to people. They're just like us. I like to thing that babies are like adults, only much much simpler, less complicated and cannot talk yet lol.

thats such a cute question but hey momma, there is absolutely no relation to looks and friendliness :) it is possible your newborn spent more time with your in-laws and hence was more friendlier with them, or something between them seemed to 'click'. same in the case of your second one with your side of the family. i would suggest let your babies interact equally with both sets of the family members so that they can get all the love and affection :)

I personally think there is no correlation between whether a baby's resemblance is connect to his/her preference on which sides on family members. For my daugther who assembled me, she prefers my husband's family members while my boy is the other way round. Thus, it depends on individual preference and nothing to do with resemblance.

no mommy, i definitely do not think that there is any link between your babies liking a particular set of grandparents just because they resemble that side more. try and get your children to spend more time with both sides of the family. as they grow more familiar, they will start interacting more :)

This is something different! First time heard of this. I shall be more observant on my kids interaction

Oh Carla, nothing to fret. Babies have their own personality and mind of their own.
