My daughter is 5 months old and my husband has not bonded with her at all. After six years of marriage, he feels like our relationship is gone because of the baby. He tells me he's not ready to be a father, and he seems very depressed. I've told him he needs to get help or I'll leave. What else can I do? Please help.
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Ma'am I think you have to be calm at this moment. Leaving your husband is not a solution....where u know that he is depressed. You need to deal with this situation in a very smart way...many a times male are not mature enough to understand and adjust the atmosphere which comes with baby....a little mess in the bedroom, lack of quality time which u used to share makes them unhappy and confused.Here you should make him feel normal...try to talk to him about your experiences wid your baby....Take care of his daily chores as before....etc....these things can make him feel secure and help him to bond with you and your baby.Also u can take help of a counsellor.
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Home Random Talk my daughter is 5 months old and my husband has not bonded with her at all after six years of marriage he feels like our relationship is gone because of the baby he tells me hes not ready to be a father and he seems very depressed ive told him he needs to get help or ill leave what else can i do please help