my baby never seems to be full........

Hi Moms, I'm feeling really confused and a bit overwhelmed. My baby is 3 months old and he never seems to be full. He cries for feeding all the time, and the gap between each feeding is very short. Sometimes it feels like I just finished feeding him, and he's already crying for more. Has anyone else experienced this with their baby? Is this normal, or should I be worried? What can I do to help him feel more satisfied and maybe lengthen the time between feedings?

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Hi there! I totally understand how you're feeling right now. It can be overwhelming when your baby seems to be hungry all the time, even after just being fed. Rest assured, many moms have experienced this with their little ones. First of all, it's essential to remember that babies grow at different rates, and their feeding patterns can vary. Some babies have growth spurts where they need more milk to fuel their development. This could be one reason why your baby seems extra hungry lately. To help your baby feel more satisfied and possibly lengthen the time between feedings, you can try a few things. Firstly, make sure your baby is latching on correctly during breastfeeding to ensure they are getting enough milk. You can also try offering both breasts during each feeding session to make sure your baby is getting hindmilk, which is more filling. Additionally, if you're formula feeding, you can check with your pediatrician to see if a different formula might help your baby feel fuller for longer. Sometimes switching to a different type of formula can make a difference. It's always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician if you have concerns about your baby's feeding habits. They can provide personalized advice based on your baby's specific needs and help ease your worries. Hang in there, Mama! You're doing a great job taking care of your little one. Remember, every baby is unique, and it's okay to seek help and support when needed. You're not alone in this journey!

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Hi, my baby went through this also, my confinement lady told me that when she checked my milk, its diluted & wont be filling for the baby. She recommended to mix feed. So i bf first then after that 30mins to 1hr later feed her formula milk for each feeding. It worked. My baby has been a 97-99percentile baby since birth. So she feeds a lot more. Mixed feeding kept my baby happy & fit.

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I used to feed my baby every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Now she's feeding better.. my 3 month-old recently feeds about 7 to 8 times a day. Sometimes 6. How long does your baby latch? Mine at least 30 to 45mins. I tried to increase supply by pumping right after feeds. Accumulate for the day and bottle feed at the end of the day. Lots of work, but I think it is working now. 😅

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Hi mummy, my baby is like that too and I'm confused. He latches every hour or half an hour, and he will regurgitate the milk back out and ask for more. Are you breastfeeding? Prob cos our milk is not as filling as formula, that's why they get hungry fast. Also might be going through a growth spurt?

ME. mine 1.5months now and keep wanting to latch. if you're latching, maybe your bb just wants for comfort. my bb kept spit out milk already and still crying for more.. I feel both my breast already very sore and very empty but she still wants.. 😂

Has it started recently? If yes, he might be going thru growth spurt. This period, they will take in more than usual intake or shorter intervals between feedings. Usually last for 1-3 weeks.

Growth spurt, or cluster feeding. In any case, in all honesty, it's good tt he drinks more now. The growth rate will taper off when he gets older.

My baby is just a newborn at 2 weeks and he is wanting to feed every hour