3 Replies

Hi mummy, it really sounds v tough on u. Handling him is not easy and on top of that, having others to laugh at u. Some children do relate better to older children than little ones becoz older ones know and able to play with him. Don't fret. If talking therapy doesn't help, try showing him videos on values like showing kindness and having empathy. These might be helpful tools to keep him in check.

Thanks for the idea

If you have tried everything, then see a child psychologist. It is a kind of taboo in our society to see a psychologist but it is just a normal thing. Sometimes, kids do take time to adjust to societal behaviour. http://www.speech-language-therapy.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=35:admin&catid=2:uncategorised&Itemid=117

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